
Mindset coaching is the problem

I was one of the first people to hire a mindset coach 15+ years ago, and I went from a total crusher making $400+ an hour and enjoying the game to feeling completely burned out.

By Jason Su | 16 Jan 2024
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It’s Jason Su of Poker With Presence.

In my latest webinar at Poker Academy I presented things that, if you apply them in your game and in your life, will completely change the way you relate to painful experiences from the past, so that they no longer affect your ability to stay present and make decisions you’re happy with going forward.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way:

Today I want to rant, for a couple reasons.

One, I enjoy it.

But more importantly, I think there’s a lot of important things that you need to know about a certain group of people who are completely screwing you over when it comes to being able to stop tilting, stay focused, and play your best poker under stress.

It’s the “mindset” coaches.

You may have thought I am one.

I can assure you it’s the opposite.

Don’t get me wrong, they’re nice people who are trying to help—I certainly don’t think they’re out to scam anyone.

My objection is simply that their ideas are terrible.

And that they not only don’t work, they make things worse for you.

If it worked?

I would have no business, and you would never tilt.

But here we are.

Here’s what I’m talking about:

A “mindset” coach will do everything they can to distract you from the actual source of your pain, discomfort, and anxiety, which is your inability to be present with your emotions.

They’ll say things like:

“Be logical”

“You want them to play that way”

“There’s no reason to feel bad”

Or if not that, they’ll go the habits route:

“Eat healthy”


“Get back on that study routine”

None of those things are bad.

But when used as a substitute for being present with the emotions that are causing you pain?

You’re drawing dead.

I know because I did it.

I was one of the first people to hire a mindset coach 15+ years ago, and I went from a total crusher making $400+ an hour and enjoying the game to feeling completely burned out and questioning my entire existence using their methods.

Here’s the issue:

These brilliant bits of “advice” are all intellectual, logical solutions being offered as a way to solve emotional problems—the wrong tool for the job.

Logic and words, no matter how true, won’t change how you feel.

There’s only one tool for the job.

It involves you no longer trying to talk yourself out of feeling how you feel, and instead staying present and finding total acceptance in the discomfort.

Not the easiest thing if you’ve never done it.

But I promise, it’s the only way to end the madness.

If you want to learn more how it’s done:

  1. Sign up for my email newsletter at (it’s free to join)
  1. Find the confirmation email that goes into your inbox (or sometimes spam/junk/promotions folder), and confirm your subscription

Talk soon,

Jason Su

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