
The Greatest Poker Show… Ever?

Sure, you might have caught the latest hype with Game Of Gold, but let’s take it back to the golden era of poker shows—remember THE MICROS? 🎥🃏

By Gio | 16 Dec 2023
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Hey, where are all the poker dinosaurs at? 🦕

We’ve been feeling the nostalgia vibes lately—winter’s got us cozy indoors, reminiscing about the good ol’ days…

That show was an absolute blast! Every episode had us on the edge of our seats, eagerly waiting for the next one!

It might be long gone, but it’s etched in our memories forever.

If you missed out on it, now’s the perfect time to dive into the treasure trove of episodes. And for those who’ve already binged it, trust me, it’s worth another go! Revisiting it brings back incredible memories and some epic poker tales.

Enough talk—let’s relive the magic: 🍿🌟

Here is the full playlist and at top right corner you get access to the other episodes.

Shout out to The Micros squad:




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